
Thread tagged as: Question

You can RETROFIT Perch into an existing site in MINUTES.

Can someone please point to some helpful videos that will prove this statement to be true, as found on the home page:

"The CMS for web professionals We made Perch to be the best CMS for people who build websites for their clients.

Design the way you want Perch doesn’t have “themes”, dictate a design, or prevent you using your favourite scripts. <<<You can retrofit Perch into an existing site in minutes.>>>"

I've been spending months, so far, not minutes. What am I missing?

Christie Wild

Christie Wild 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support


that is the general experience of people using Perch. You can see - on the Perch product page - a video where I do exactly that. Add Perch to a static site in minutes. The video is under 8 minutes long, and barely edited (I just speeded up some of the sections where I'm typing as that's a bit boring to watch).

Okay, so that is the 3rd time I've watched it now. Could you slow down the process for me (maybe with another video already out there) that lets me see what you did from 2:23 to 2:47? It goes so fast, and I feel that is where I'm at right now. I even re-watched that small section about 5x, but it is just too fast. Thanks.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Where have you got to and which step is confusing you?