
Thread tagged as: Question, Discussion, Runway

Collections and Categories

Sort of a weird edge case I wanted to ask for some advice.

I've got a set of publications that are published by centers.

If I wanted to filter publications by center would a best practice to be to create a simplified center category set? Or is it "better" to try to filter one collection by another somewhat like author and news collection example?

I'm thinking that having a simplified center category set might make allow more flexibility now and in the future by letting editors tag multiple collections with that center category set rather than set up relationships with multiple collections.

And create a more complex center collection separately.

That way we could group similar centers under one center. This comes up in university setting where one center working on climate change, might want to list all centers in the collection working on climate change (topic).

Is this a good idea to have both a category set and collection for a similar content type to help sorting and filtering? Doesn't seem DRY, but still a workable solution and could get us going quickly.

Scott Gruber

Scott Gruber 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I'm missing the bit where relationships fall down and you need the categories. Where does that happen?

Wow. Just got back to this. My mis-understanding arised because of the robust category page functions.

Didn't realize that relationships between collections is very powerful too. This article helps

Relationship select shows up just like a category set select menu. Tried it and we like it.
