
Thread tagged as: Problem, Installation

Step 3 fails on Installing Perch 2.8.6 - passed compatibility tests

Setting up new domain and Perch on Fasthosts using Dedicated Server Perch Compatibility Tests passed Install Step 3 fails with nothing happening PHP Sessions seem to be working Looking for some help to resolve the problem

Tim Considine

Tim Considine 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

What error are you getting?

Hi Drew.

No specific error - install page just refreshes - no success message, and no display of data for copying into config file.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Do you have any server side redirects in place?

I do not believe so - it is a fresh install and I have not made any config changes other than DNS zone for the domain.

I just copied over an .htaccess file for the public_html directory (none there originally) from another site where Perch is running successfully, but the setup page shows same behaviour - submits and then refreshes

Well, I have no idea what just changed, but I re-tried and got the success page Maybe the .htaccess file, but also updating the server with some patches

Successfully logged in - Wheee !

Thanks for help, Drew and sorry to disturb you.