
Thread tagged as: Problem, Blog

Changing blog categories in line with page name

A client wants their blog to be called 'thoughts'. Changing the blog pages' names is straightforward enough but I can't get the default blog categories to work.

I'd like the urls to be similar to blog, but with 'thoughts' in place of 'blog'. So /thoughts, /thoughts/article-name, /thoughts/category/category-name, /thoughts/tag/tag-name, etc.

Tags and dates hook up ok, but it's just the categories. I thought changing the set name to 'thoughts' would do it, but that doesn't work. Is it because its looking for the set at /thoughts/category-name rather than /thoughts/category/category-name? Not sure how to fix it :(

Thanks for taking a look :)

Oh, it's in Runway, by the way.

Martin Underhill

Martin Underhill 5 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

The blog category set doesn't appear anywhere I don't believe, so unless you really need to it's simpler to leave it as blog.

Ah cool. In that case I'll change it back to blog and just leave the navigation text as 'thoughts'. The outgoing site calls it 'gospel' (they're not a religious client, weirdly) so they might change their minds again in 3 years time ;)

Thanks for keeping me right