
Thread tagged as: Problem, Addons, Blog

Blog/News app

I have the blog app installed and am using it for the news section on a clients website. The files are in a folder named News, however, I have the following on a page in the root of the website <?php perch_news_date_archive_months(); ?> My problem is: how do I direct <?php perch_news_date_archive_months(); ?> to the News Folder where the archives are?

Hope that made some sense

Suzanne Szenher

Suzanne Szenher 0 points

  • 7 years ago

You probably need to look at "Settings, Blog, Blog post page path" to see if its pointing to the right folder.

I have the News page and all files in its own folder, but I wanted to put a list of old news on a page that is in the root of the website. Not sure how to do this? if I change the settings for the post page path won't that change the path for the files in the News Folder? basically I want the News to be in its own folder and to display a list of 3 latest news articles on a page outside of the News folder which when clicked on takes me to the full page which is in the News folder :)

No, the setting change would be wrong. If I understand correctly, I think you may need perch_blog_custom for that. You can extract blog posts and pass them through another template for displaying extracts on another page.

Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

There is a video detailing exactly that scenario:

You just need to set your path and use root relative links, you can also use a different template as explained in the video.