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How to get perch_pages_navigation to output bi-lingual navigation

I am retro-fitting a website using Perch. So far its going great and I have included a Mandarin language option by following your tutorial @

I have run into an issue when perch generates subpages and outputs the sub-nav.

I can get the desired effect in the admin (I.e English / Chinese specific regions) but I cannot get it output the sub-nav. It defaults back to the top level navigation.

I am not really familiar with php. This is the code I'm using in the page template:

<div class="sub-panel-content">
        'levels'    => 1,
        'from-path' => '/staff'.$lang,

site url :

Can you advise?

Jon Douglas-Beveridge

Jon Douglas-Beveridge 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

With this:

'from-path' => '/staff'.$lang,

that suggests the parent page has a path something like /staffen - is that correct?

Hi Drew,

No. When I click on the link - it goes to /staff/index.php

?lang=en / ?lang=ch does not get appended to the URL(s) - which is the desired result

/staff - is where the subpages are generated by perch.

Another way to ask my question is "how do I get perch_pages_navigation to recognise and output both language options?"

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

So I think this:

'from-path' => '/staff'.$lang, 

should be

'from-path' => '/staff',

Yes, I've made that amend and I am getting the respective languages now. Thanks.

I think my issue is when I create a sub-page in perch.

Obviously it only creates 1 page not 2. So the navigation is in the language you used (ie. English). This is then used by perch_pages_navigation to generate the sub-nav for '/staff'.

This mean that the Staff Member links will always show in English, even on the Manderin versions.

I suppose I need a way of feeding in the Manderin translation of the page title into the sub-nav's links, so it at least appears to the user in the correct language.

Do you think this is possible?

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

If you add the translation into the page attributes, this can be output in the navigation.

Sorry to be a pain in the a*se -

I followed the second strategy on the tutotial.

So I have a single page that outputs alternate regions based on the language choice.

I don't get how to output alternate page titles (1 english / 1 manderin) using the <perch:pages /> tags in an attributes template, that then get picked up by perch_navigation_pages as the nav links.

Can you elaborate a bit more?

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

  1. Create an attribute template with a field for each translated title
  2. Use PerchSystem::set_var() to pass the lang option into the nav templates
  3. Output the field you need based on the lang using perch:if