
Thread tagged as: Problem, Configuration

Perch installed on localhost using XAMPP - new page folder ends up in htdocs fol...

I have created a local development version of a site using XAMPP. Each of the dev websites are in the htdocs folder.

The folder structure is like so


The Perch install is done normally i.e.:


If I create a new page, the file and/or folder ends up in the htdocs folder. Is there a setting to tell Perch that it should be considering the devsite folder the root, not htdocs?

Ben Furfie

Ben Furfie 3 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

If your site is going to be in a subfolder of the main site, create a top level page called devsite and then build everything under that. Remember that 'top level' does not mean so for you because you're in a folder.