
Thread tagged as: Question, Blog

Export blog posts

I have a client currently running a Perch based site and they're setting up a new venture and having a new site developed using Wordpress (nothing personal, just the choice of the agency they've chosen).

They want to export all their Perch blog posts. Is that easy or even possible? Any advice greatly received.

Thanks, John.

John Robinson

John Robinson 7 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

You should be able to create a simple template to output the posts in the format WordPress is looking for (which is XML, I believe).

Could I amend the RSS feed to do that?

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

You could use that as a starting point if you needed to. XML is just tags like HTML, so it should be very straightforward.

Cool, thanks Drew.

This worked a treat Drew so thanks very much for sending me in the right direction.

Hi John,

Have you tried creating a template to export posts in a format that WordPress can import or you can convert — like a json, csv, rss, xml format? That worked for me.

I made a template to display Perch custom content (not the blog app but setup should be similar) in json, then converted that to a csv, then imported it to WP matching advanced custom fields with the wpimport plugin.

** I viewed this on my iPad in Safari and saw no replies. Glad to hear issue resolved when viewed in Chrome. Nice on.