
Thread tagged as: Problem

Perch Time Out

I have a customer who says Perch is timing out and losing his updates if he leaves it to answer a telephone call. I dont think it is Perch, and maybe his computer. Can you confirm please that Perch does not have a built in time out for a session? Many thanks

Laurence Prestage

Laurence Prestage 0 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Perch doesn't have a session timeout, but your sever will have one.

While you're on any page with a form, Perch will keep polling the server every 5 minutes to keep the session active. It's possible that you could get a timeout if the session is set to be shorter than 5 minutes, or if there's a server configuration problem.