
Thread tagged as: Question, Blog

Add multiple blog authors

Hi there. I built a site for a client using the blog app. They wanted to be able to have lots of different people blogging so I went about the normal way of allowing them to add 'blogger' users.

It turns out that what they actually want is to have lots of people write them blogs (in word or similar) then send them to them and they upload them to the site. So although there are multiple authors there is actually only one person entering them into Perch.

Is there a way to just add a load of authors so they can select them from the dropdown? At the moment they are making a new user under one of their emails, entering a random blog post, deleting it and then they are available in the dropdown. Problem is they are running out of email addresses as perch wont allow 2 or more users to have the same email this is super cumbersome...

Any suggestions?

Many thanks.

Rob Saunders

Rob Saunders 0 points

  • 6 years ago

Hi Rob,

Once you've added users in the admin and after they logged-in once, they become available in the dropdown "Authors" at the bottom of the page when you create a post.

So you can indeed select the author from the dropdown – what you need is the author to login at least once with their user.


Yes that is what we are doing at the moment. I was asking if there is an easier way to just add say 40 names to the list without having to have 40 email addresses for the users...

Ha ok :) sorry, I misunderstood your problem.

No probs! Thanks anyway :)

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

That's how it works currently. The email addresses don't have to be real!

!! good point :) thank you!