
Thread tagged as: Question, Configuration, Third-party

Two short questions regarding using Perch in a LAMP environment

Last week I stumbled upon the article'A Simple Workflow From Development To Deployment' ( on using a LAMP environment with PuPHet as a workflow and it got me hooked. I followed the steps that were described in the article and I was up and running with my Perch websites. But now I'm having two problems that the internet doesn't seem to be able to answer. Hopefully someone can answer my questions. These are:

  1. How do you sync the database between the local dev build, dev build and live build?
  2. I'm thinking about using Github for version control but I am not sure what to put in the repo and what not (CMS files?). Or would it be better to put everthing on Github as an private repo?
Rink Pijpker

Rink Pijpker 1 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

  1. Structure or content or both?

  2. If you were adding Perch to your repo it would need to be private.

Thanks for your reply Drew!

  1. Both. After some more research I read that it is possible to have your .sql file in a synced folder that will always be up to date. But there are no instructions provided :(

  2. Allright!

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I wouldn't sync an SQL file.

Structure changes shouldn't be necessary - Perch will update the structure itself as needed.

For content, you should make content changes on your primary site, and then copy the database to your dev sites. If you're using Runway, you can do that with backup and restore.

But isn't the purpose of the dev site to test things out and then apply those to the live site? Also it would be a lot easier if the database could be synced with a press on a button. Not have to download and upload a database.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

The purpose of your dev site is to develop the functionality of the website. When adding content, you should do that on the primary database.

I think it probably would be easier to have a magic button. Unfortunately that's not always possible.

I see. I'm still working out what be the best worklow in all this. Thanks for your help!