
Thread tagged as: Question, Blog

How do include Blog in main navigation with working "current_page"

I am using perch_pages_navigation to generate my website's navigation bar but it doesn't include a link to the Blog. I tried adding a page in Perch pages admin, and although I can add a link to the main blog page this way, the "current_page" attribute doesn't work, plus it's a bit confusing for the content editor as clicking on "Blog" in the Pages admin does not go to the same place as Apps > Blog. How do I get this to work?

Mike Harrison

Mike Harrison 0 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

That's how you get it to work. Make sure your pages appear in the Pages list.

Hi Drew,

Just to clarify, I am using

<a <perch:if exists="current_page">class='selected'</perch:if>>...</a>

in my navigation. This does not work with the added blog page.

Figured it out - I had put the path as /blog/ when I needed to have it as /blog/index.php