Comments form
I've created a private blog where only members can view. I want to be able to enable comments on the posts but I want to pull the data from the member account onto the form, name etc. Is there a way to do this? comment_form.html
~~~<perch:if id="postAllowComments" value="1">
<perch:form id="comment" method="post" app="perch_blog" class="comment-form" action="<perch:blog id="postURL" />">
<legend>Leave a comment</legend>
<perch:label for="commentName">Name</perch:label>
<perch:input type="text" id="commentName" required="true" label="Name" antispam="name" />
<perch:error for="commentName" type="required">Required</perch:error>
<perch:label for="commentEmail">Email</perch:label>
<perch:input type="email" id="commentEmail" required="true" label="Email" antispam="email" />
<perch:error for="commentEmail" type="required">Required</perch:error>
<perch:error for="commentEmail" type="format">Check format of address</perch:error>
<perch:label for="commentURL">Website</perch:label>
<perch:input type="url" id="commentURL" placeholder="https://" label="URL" antispam="url" />
<perch:label for="commentHTML">Comment</perch:label>
<perch:input type="textarea" id="commentHTML" required="true" label="Message" antispam="body" />
<perch:error for="commentHTML" type="required">Required</perch:error>
<perch:input type="hidden" id="postID" value="<perch:blog id="postID" />" />
<perch:input type="submit" id="submitComment" value="Submit" />
<p>Thank you. Your comment has been submitted and will appear on the site once approved.</p>
Due to the parse order, you may just be able to nest Members tags inside the
attribute of your form fields.
Give a try and let me know if that doesn't work.