
Best way to implement community photo uploads with Perch


I'm scoping the best way to implement a Community photo board with an approval process for admins. The process would look like this:

  1. User submits a photo
  2. Entry created in Perch (draft status by default)
  3. Admin logs into Perch and sees there is a new submission(s).
  4. Admin approves the photo
  5. Photo appears on end-user page

This is a very similar concept to comments on a blog post. For comparison's sake, the community page is a single "blog post", and each photo submission is a "comment".

I thought about actually using a blog post and "hacking" it to work as described, but I haven't seen support for custom fields on blog comment entries (e.g. an image field).

Sounds to me like this would be a great add-on for Perch. Any thoughts?

Thanks! Josh

Joshua Palmeri

Joshua Palmeri 0 points

  • 6 years ago

Joshua, I am wondering if you've tried setting custom fields in the blog because there shouldn't be any reason you can't get the full customisation you desire from any field.

My first thought is to use Perch Forms for the submissions. While I don't have a full grasp on what you're doing at this time.. that is somewhere to start.

Perch Members is another good choice as it has a way to upload and secure files and a runtime to output the submissions.

Do you have a working example of this your modeling after?

Any additional input you have would be great to be able to find your solution.

Robert Ketter

Robert -- thanks for the input! Perch Forms seems like the best solution right now, as you've said. Do form submissions have out-of-the-box functionality to provide the admin with an approval workflow? That is, I want the users to be able to upload an image. Ultimately, that image the user submits will be displayed on a page on the site. But I don't want it to show until the admin reviews it and approves / sets to a publish status.

I don't want to get too complex with Members or logins for this project, as the user doesn't need to update their submission, so I'm hoping there is a simpler way to achieve the above with Forms.



Josh. I am putting the finishing touches on an app called Forms+. Basically it adds this function... All uploads are quarantined until the site admin physically changes it to be published. There is some additional functionality but I don't want to go into those details until the final product is ready to ship. This will be a free third-party app. I have designed the app to work behind perch members. I don't really intend for this app to be public facing. It has spam control but only through a honeypot field. Perch Forms can use akistmet for spam, but I choose not to include this in my app.


When are you shipping the app?

Well... I am truly hoping by weeks end. I am just having a couple challenges during testing.

Please shoot me an email... robert (at) ketter (dot) us and I will make sure your on the hot list to give it a whirl.


Sounds like this could be perfect timing! I'll connect on email. Thanks Robert!