Public Forms Radio still outputting incorrectly v2.8.24
This in the template...
<perch:input type="radio" id="over_eighteen" label="Over 18" options="Yes,No" />
Produces this in the output
<input id="form1_over_eighteen1" name="over_eighteen" type="radio" checked="checked" /><label for="form1_over_eighteen1">Yes</label><input id="form1_over_eighteen2" name="over_eighteen" type="radio" checked="checked" /><label for="form1_over_eighteen2">No</label>
Both options are showing checked, and no matter which one you choose when its saved in the database it's value is... (json)
Perch Runway: 2.8.24, PHP: 5.6.14-0+deb8u1, MySQL: 5.5.44, with PDO
Server OS: Linux, apache2handler
Installed apps: content (2.8.24), assets (2.8.24), categories (2.8.24), perch_blog (5.0), perch_forms (1.8.3), perch_shop_orders (1.0), perch_shop_products (1.0), my_sample (2.1), perch_shop (1.0g9), perch_members (1.4)
App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = array( 'content', 'categories', 'perch_blog', 'perch_forms', 'perch_members', 'perch_shop', );
PERCH_PATH: /var/www/runway-local/public_html/perch
PERCH_CORE: /var/www/runway-local/public_html/perch/core
PERCH_RESFILEPATH: /var/www/runway-local/public_html/perch/resources
Image manipulation: GD Imagick
PHP limits: Max upload 2000M, Max POST 8M, Memory: 128M, Total max file upload: 8M
F1: dc1fef2ad0fcd9f943c02ebb43d85dbc
Resource folder writeable: Yes
HTTP_HOST: runway.local
DOCUMENT_ROOT: /var/www/runway-local/public_html
REQUEST_URI: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/
SCRIPT_NAME: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php
In the admin, it renders correctly, and the proper value is saved in the database.
Is only when the value is saved from a public form it's saved as "on" no matter the radio chosen.
Ok, we'll take a look.