
Thread tagged as: Blog

Editable blog comment date?

Hello, I'm trying to edit some blog comments in the admin panel and while the date field looks editable, the changes are not being saved. Is this expected functionality?

I tried adding the editable="true" just in case but nothing changed.

Proko Mountrichas

Proko Mountrichas 3 points

  • 4 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

No, that's not expected - although when would you need to edit comment dates?

Yeah it's not the most common use case I must admit. I had to delete and rewrite some old imported blog posts together with their comments. Since I can't create comments in the admin area I had to add them through the blog's comment form and as expected they got today's date which is wrong. I finally edited the respective rows in the db and it's OK but I'm not very comfortable with this and was curious if it's something wrong in my side or it's how Perch works.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I'd expect editing the date to work, but you may be the first to ever try it!

Ha! Pioneering again :)

I don't think it's worth debugging this right now but since it appears as editable in the admin form would be nice to actually work I suppose. I'm pretty sure there is a tiny bug.