Setup form just refrreshes
I'm just doing a fresh install of Perch as I'm updating a site from V1.8.4 to latest, and the setup form just keeps refreshing, no tables are being written and I'm not getting an error code. Any help appreciated!
Sounds like PHP sessions aren't working. Does your hosting require anything to configure them?
Alternatively, it could be a rogue server side rewrite rule.
No, it's usually really straightforward to do the install. We're using a Media Temple DV server.
Think this is one for Media Temple support Drew?
Check the rewrite rules first, but then yes.
Cool, thanks!
'Hey Drew,
I've looked at the error log and this is what I'm getting: 'paralells panel' does NOT match server name, the DB server name is set up as localhost though I'm just using 'localhost' as usual and not sure why this is happening? MT support seem to think that this is the issue.
What is 'paralells panel' ?
It's the Plesk control panel. I think probably I'll need to go back to MT with this though.
That isn't anything to do with Perch so yes, your host would be the place to go.