perch_pages_navigation - Ordering the pages
I have a NavGroup called 'location'. This is to appear as a list of link on a map page. My different town location pages will be automatically added to this navgroup.
However I cant seem to set the order of these pages? Currently they just seem to fall in a random order and not in the same order I set in the Perch pages view.
Please help.
This is my code:
'template' => 'location-nav.html',
'include-parent' => true,
'navgroup' => 'location'
You should be able to re-order them in the Navgroups section.
Ive just answered my own Question! I never realised you could reorder pages manually in the Navigation Groups section of the editor!
Out of interest is there a way to overrule the using the perch_pages_navigation array?
Thanks Simon, Just ahead of me :-)