
Thread tagged as: Question, MailChimp, Members

Perch Members & Mailchimp Add-Ons Interaction

Can't find anything about combining or getting these 2 add-ons to interact so I thought I'd create this thread to ask the question and to suggest to Perch something to build into the system. It's a console feature/functionality that I'd like to accomplish.

OK - I'd like to know if its possible to have a pending member join/subscribe to a Mailchimp list when they are authorised in the console. So for example when their status is changed from "Pending" to "Active" in the console the user then gets added to a selected Mailchimp list as a subscriber.

Hope I've explained that correctly.


Darren Glaser

Darren Glaser 0 points

  • 4 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

There isn't anything like that at the moment, but we'll look at adding event hooks for moderation into the Members app.

Cheers Drew, I've worked a solution directly into