
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem

Search Function - From path not working correctly

Hi there,

On my site my root directories are REGIONs i.e

  • /en-eu
  • /en-us

This is defined globally in my config file like so

$explode = explode('/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
define('REGION', $explode[1]);

On my search page I have this script. So it only searches pages based on the from path which is the REGION.

PerchSystem::set_var('home', REGION);

$query = perch_get('q');

perch_content_search($query, [
    'from-path'=> '/'.REGION,

My template is pretty much the same as the default

   <h1 class="block-heading  block-heading--grey  block-heading--news  a350  gamma">
        <perch:if exists="paging"><perch:search id="total" /> - </perch:if>Search results for &#8220;<perch:search id="search_key" />&#8221;

<div class="news-article  news-article__search">


        <div class="<perch:search id="perch_item_odd" />">
            <h2><a href="<perch:search id="result_url" />"><perch:search id="result_title" /></a></h2>
            <perch:if exists="result_excerpt"><p class="excerpt">&hellip;<perch:search id="result_excerpt" encode="false" />&hellip;</p></perch:if>



        <perch:if exists="paging">
            <div class="paging">
                Page <perch:search id="current_page" /> of <perch:search id="number_of_pages" />
                <perch:if exists="not_first_page">
                    <a href="<perch:search id="prev_url" encode="false" />">Previous</a>
                <perch:if exists="not_last_page">
                    <a href="<perch:search id="next_url" encode="false" />">Next</a>


    <div class="social-sharing">
        <h3 class="c700  zeta  caps  primary">Share this post</h3>
        <span class='st_facebook_large' displayText='Facebook'></span>
        <span class='st_twitter_large' displayText='Tweet'></span>
        <span class='st_linkedin_large' displayText='LinkedIn'></span>


    <perch:if exists="search_key">
        <h1 class="block-heading  block-heading--grey  block-heading--news  a350  gamma">Search results for &#8220;<perch:search id="search_key" />&#8221;</h1>
    <perch:else />
        <h1 class="block-heading  block-heading--grey  block-heading--news  a350  gamma">Search</h1>
    <perch:if exists="search_key">
        <p>Sorry, there are no results for &#8220;<perch:search id="search_key" />&#8221;.</p>

In my DEBUG message I cant find any reference to other regions, but in the search results there are some results which are from another region

Debug Message [74] SELECT p.pagePath, pr.routePattern, pr.routeRegExp, p.pageTemplate FROM perch2_pages p LEFT JOIN perch2_page_routes pr ON p.pageID=pr.pageID ORDER BY pr.routeOrder ASC, p.pagePath ASCMatched page: /en-eu/search, so not using routes.Using master page: /templates/pages/search.php [1] SELECT * FROM perch2_pages WHERE pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1Using template: /templates/pages/attributes/language_code.htmlUsing template: /templates/pages/attributes/language_code.htmlUsing template: /templates/pages/attributes/language_code.htmlUsing template: /templates/pages/attributes/language_code.htmlUsing template: /templates/pages/attributes/seo.htmlUsing template: /templates/pages/attributes/body_attributes.html [1] SELECT pageID, pageParentID, pageDepth, pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages WHERE pagePath='/en-eu' OR pageSortPath='/en-eu' LIMIT 1 [10] SELECT * FROM perch2_pages WHERE pageNew=0 AND pageHidden=0 AND pageTreePosition LIKE '000-004%' AND pageDepth >=1 AND pageDepth<=3 ORDER BY pageTreePosition ASC [1] SELECT pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages WHERE pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1 [2] SELECT pageID FROM perch2_pages WHERE pageTreePosition IN ('000-004-008', '000-004', '000') ORDER BY pageTreePosition DESCUsing template: /templates/navigation/nav.html [4] Using template: /templates/navigation/subnav.htmlUsing template: /templates/search/search-form.html [1] SELECT groupID FROM perch2_navigation WHERE groupSlug='europe' LIMIT 1 [10] SELECT np.pageID, np.pageParentID, p.pagePath, p.pageTitle, p.pageNavText, p.pageNew, p.pageOrder, np.pageDepth, p.pageSortPath, np.pageTreePosition, p.pageAccessTags, p.pageAttributes FROM perch2_navigation_pages np, perch2_pages p WHERE p.pageID=np.pageID AND np.groupID=2 AND p.pageNew=0 AND np.pageDepth >=0 AND np.pageDepth<=1 ORDER BY np.pageTreePosition ASC [0] SELECT np.pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages p, perch2_navigation_pages np WHERE np.pageID=p.pageID AND np.groupID=2 AND p.pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1 [10] Using template: /templates/navigation/choose_region.html [1] SELECT groupID FROM perch2_navigation WHERE groupSlug='north-america' LIMIT 1 [3] SELECT np.pageID, np.pageParentID, p.pagePath, p.pageTitle, p.pageNavText, p.pageNew, p.pageOrder, np.pageDepth, p.pageSortPath, np.pageTreePosition, p.pageAccessTags, p.pageAttributes FROM perch2_navigation_pages np, perch2_pages p WHERE p.pageID=np.pageID AND np.groupID=3 AND p.pageNew=0 AND np.pageDepth >=0 AND np.pageDepth<=1 ORDER BY np.pageTreePosition ASC [0] SELECT np.pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages p, perch2_navigation_pages np WHERE np.pageID=p.pageID AND np.groupID=3 AND p.pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1 [3] Using template: /templates/navigation/choose_region.html [1] SELECT groupID FROM perch2_navigation WHERE groupSlug='south-america' LIMIT 1 [1] SELECT np.pageID, np.pageParentID, p.pagePath, p.pageTitle, p.pageNavText, p.pageNew, p.pageOrder, np.pageDepth, p.pageSortPath, np.pageTreePosition, p.pageAccessTags, p.pageAttributes FROM perch2_navigation_pages np, perch2_pages p WHERE p.pageID=np.pageID AND np.groupID=4 AND p.pageNew=0 AND np.pageDepth >=0 AND np.pageDepth<=1 ORDER BY np.pageTreePosition ASC [0] SELECT np.pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages p, perch2_navigation_pages np WHERE np.pageID=p.pageID AND np.groupID=4 AND p.pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1 [1] Using template: /templates/navigation/choose_region.html [1] SELECT groupID FROM perch2_navigation WHERE groupSlug='asia' LIMIT 1 [1] SELECT np.pageID, np.pageParentID, p.pagePath, p.pageTitle, p.pageNavText, p.pageNew, p.pageOrder, np.pageDepth, p.pageSortPath, np.pageTreePosition, p.pageAccessTags, p.pageAttributes FROM perch2_navigation_pages np, perch2_pages p WHERE p.pageID=np.pageID AND np.groupID=5 AND p.pageNew=0 AND np.pageDepth >=0 AND np.pageDepth<=1 ORDER BY np.pageTreePosition ASC [0] SELECT np.pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages p, perch2_navigation_pages np WHERE np.pageID=p.pageID AND np.groupID=5 AND p.pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1 [1] Using template: /templates/navigation/choose_region.htmlSearch term: Foodservice [29] SELECT DISTINCT settingID, settingValue FROM perch2_settings WHERE userID=0 [10] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT 'PerchContent_SearchHandler' AS source, MATCH(ci.itemSearch) AGAINST('Foodservice') AS score, r.regionPage AS col1, ci.itemSearch AS col2, ci.itemJSON AS col3, r.regionOptions AS col4, p.pageNavText AS col5, p.pageTitle AS col6, regionTemplate AS col7, r.regionKey AS col8 FROM perch2_content_regions r, perch2_content_items ci, perch2_pages p WHERE r.regionID=ci.regionID AND r.regionRev=ci.itemRev AND r.pageID=p.pageID AND r.regionPage!='*' AND r.regionSearchable=1 AND (MATCH(ci.itemSearch) AGAINST('Foodservice') OR MATCH(ci.itemSearch) AGAINST('Foodservice') ) AND r.regionPage LIKE '/en-eu%' UNION SELECT 'PerchContent_RunwaySearch' AS source, MATCH(ci.itemSearch) AGAINST('Foodservice') AS score, c.collectionKey AS col1, ci.itemSearch AS col2, ci.itemJSON AS col3, c.collectionOptions AS col4, c.collectionKey AS col5, c.collectionKey AS col6, collectionTemplate AS col7, c.collectionKey AS col8 FROM perch2_collections c, perch2_collection_items ci, perch2_collection_revisions cr WHERE c.collectionID=cr.collectionID AND cr.itemID=ci.itemID AND cr.itemRev=ci.itemRev AND c.collectionSearchable=1 AND cr.itemSearchable=1 AND (MATCH(ci.itemSearch) AGAINST('Foodservice') OR MATCH(ci.itemSearch) AGAINST('Foodservice') ) UNION SELECT 'PerchBlog_SearchHandler' AS source, MATCH(postTitle, postDescRaw, postTags) AGAINST('Foodservice') AS score, postTitle, postSlug, postDateTime, postDescHTML, postID, sectionSlug, "", "" FROM perch2_blog_posts p, perch2_blog_sections s WHERE postStatus='Published' AND postDateTime<'2016-02-18 15:41:14' AND p.sectionID=s.sectionID AND MATCH(postTitle, postDescRaw, postTags) AGAINST('Foodservice') ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0, 10 [75] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS `count` [10] Using template: /templates/search/search-result.html [1] SELECT blogID FROM perch2_blogs WHERE blogSlug='en-eu' LIMIT 1 [4] SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT tbl.* FROM ( SELECT idx.itemID, main.*, idx2.indexValue as sortval FROM perch2_blog_index idx JOIN perch2_blog_posts main ON idx.itemID=main.postID AND idx.itemKey='postID' JOIN perch2_blog_index idx2 ON idx.itemID=idx2.itemID AND idx.itemKey='postID' AND idx2.indexKey='_id' WHERE 1=1 AND ((idx.indexKey='postSlug' AND idx.indexValue != '')) AND idx.itemID=idx2.itemID AND idx.itemKey=idx2.itemKey GROUP BY idx.itemID, idx2.indexValue ) as tbl WHERE ( blogID=3 AND postStatus='Published' AND postDateTime<='2016-02-18 15:41:00' ) GROUP BY itemID, sortval ORDER BY sortval ASC LIMIT 0, 4 [1] SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS `count` [4] Using template: /templates/blog/post_sidebar.html [1] SELECT * FROM perch2_blog_sections ORDER BY sectionTitle ASC [3] SELECT * FROM perch2_blogs ORDER BY blogTitle ASCUsing template: /templates/pages/attributes/twitter_name.html [1] SELECT * FROM perch2_twitter_tweets WHERE tweetType='mine' AND tweetAccount='Chicopee_Europe' ORDER BY tweetDate DESC LIMIT 1 [1] Using template: /templates/twitter/tweet.html [1] SELECT regionID, regionTemplate, regionPage, regionRev AS rev FROM perch2_content_regions WHERE regionKey='Telephone en-eu' AND (regionPage='/en-eu/search' OR regionPage='*') [1] SELECT * FROM ( SELECT idx.itemID, c.regionID, idx.pageID, c.itemJSON, idx2.indexValue as sortval FROM perch2_content_index idx JOIN perch2_content_items c ON idx.itemID=c.itemID AND idx.itemRev=c.itemRev AND idx.regionID=c.regionID JOIN perch2_content_index idx2 ON idx.itemID=idx2.itemID AND idx.itemRev=idx2.itemRev AND idx2.indexKey='_order' WHERE ((idx.regionID=173 AND idx.itemRev=5)) AND idx.itemID=idx2.itemID AND idx.itemRev=idx2.itemRev ) as tbl GROUP BY itemID, pageID, itemJSON, sortval ORDER BY sortval ASC [1] Using template: /templates/content/text.html [1] SELECT pageID, pageParentID, pageDepth, pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages WHERE pagePath='/en-eu' OR pageSortPath='/en-eu' LIMIT 1 [8] SELECT * FROM perch2_pages WHERE pageNew=0 AND pageTreePosition LIKE '000-004%' AND pageDepth >=1 AND pageDepth<=2 ORDER BY pageTreePosition ASC [1] SELECT pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages WHERE pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1 [2] SELECT pageID FROM perch2_pages WHERE pageTreePosition IN ('000-004-008', '000-004', '000') ORDER BY pageTreePosition DESC [7] Using template: /templates/navigation/item.html [1] SELECT pageID, pageParentID, pageDepth, pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages WHERE pagePath='/en-eu/segments' OR pageSortPath='/en-eu/segments' LIMIT 1 [7] SELECT * FROM perch2_pages WHERE pageNew=0 AND pageHidden=0 AND pageTreePosition LIKE '000-004-003%' AND pageDepth >=2 AND pageDepth<=3 ORDER BY pageTreePosition ASC [1] SELECT pageTreePosition FROM perch2_pages WHERE pagePath='/en-eu/search' LIMIT 1 [2] SELECT pageID FROM perch2_pages WHERE pageTreePosition IN ('000-004-008', '000-004', '000') ORDER BY pageTreePosition DESC [6] Using template: /templates/navigation/item.html [1] SELECT regionID, regionTemplate, regionPage, regionRev AS rev FROM perch2_content_regions WHERE regionKey='Social en-eu' AND (regionPage='/en-eu/search' OR regionPage='*') [1] SELECT * FROM ( SELECT idx.itemID, c.regionID, idx.pageID, c.itemJSON, idx2.indexValue as sortval FROM perch2_content_index idx JOIN perch2_content_items c ON idx.itemID=c.itemID AND idx.itemRev=c.itemRev AND idx.regionID=c.regionID JOIN perch2_content_index idx2 ON idx.itemID=idx2.itemID AND idx.itemRev=idx2.itemRev AND idx2.indexKey='_order' WHERE ((idx.regionID=170 AND idx.itemRev=4)) AND idx.itemID=idx2.itemID AND idx.itemRev=idx2.itemRev ) as tbl GROUP BY itemID, pageID, itemJSON, sortval ORDER BY sortval ASC [1] Using template: /templates/content/footer/social.htmlRequest time: 1.0489Process time: 1.0471Memory: 5.9056 - See more at: https://chico.pee/en-eu/search?q=Foodservice#sthash.dI4oMiZ1.dpuf

So in this example I am searching within the REGION /en-eu but in the search results there is some results with /en-us

Any ideas why this would be?

Fishtank Creative

Fishtank Creative 2 points

  • 5 years ago

Regarding products, Each REGION have their own product collections

and I have configured them within the collection options like so

The above is the en-us collection so for en-eu its the same except for the root path its changes to en-eu

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Is the data in a collection? Collections aren't filtered by path as they exist outside of a path. I guess we could add an option to filter against the single item path - that would make sense.

Yes, all product data are within collections. Yes this would help us out massively.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I've logged that as an enhancement request.