
Thread tagged as: Question, Blog, Field-Types

Upcoming blocks feature, images and the blog app


I'm searching for a solution to add multiple images to a blog post. Since the repeater template tag doesn't work within a blog template I've wondered, if this would be possible with the upcoming blocks feature..?

So my question is, will blocks be available in blog templates? And will it be possible to use a repeater in a single block?

Or is there any other way to add multiple images?

Thanks in advance, Thomas

Thomas Hurtig

Thomas Hurtig 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

It is our aim to have repeaters and blocks available to apps like Blog, yes.

And you can use a repeater within a block.

You can also use the Gallery app with the albumlist field type.

Ok, so I'm looking forward to 2.8 & blocks... Meanwhile, I will just use a set of multiple image fields.

I don't want to use the gallery app in this case, because the user would need to edit the content for a blog post in two different locations (blog post & gallery app), which could be somehow confusing...

Thanks, Thomas