
Thread tagged as: Question, Runway, Blog

Runway rewrite/tokens

I am trying to create some rewrite rules when using Perch Runway for my blog articles, so I can have URLs which look like, where they are currently

I've used Perch in the past and my (admittedly very limited!) knowledge of rewrite rules would lead me to do something such as...

location /article {
    rewrite ^/article/([a-zA-Z0-9-/]+)$ /article?s=$1 last;
} my server config, however this is bringing me back 404s and I'm also wondering if Runway's built-in routing using tokens and named segments would help me out here?

I'm not amending the Blog app's existing slug creation in any way, but adding a route of /article/[slug:s]/ to my article again gets me back 404s?

Alex Ryans

Alex Ryans 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Yes, you should use Runway routes for this. I'd expect a route like the following:


If that's not working, turn debug on and let me know what it outputs.

Hi Drew,

All seems to be well now - I removed the trailing / from my route and pages are resolving correctly. Thanks for your help (as always!).