Slide Nav Items
Hi there,
I am having difficulties showing the dotnav for my slider items i have created using Perch.
Here is my code:
<ul class="uk-slideshow uk-grid uk-grid-width-1-3">
<perch:repeater id="gallery" label="Portfolio Slider Images" order="6">
<li class="">
<img src="<perch:content type="image" id="image" label="Portfolio Image" order="1" />" alt="<perch:content type=" text" id="alt" label="image alt text (SEO)" order="2" />" />
<a href="" class="uk-slidenav uk-slidenav-contrast uk-slidenav-previous" data-uk-slideshow-item="previous"></a>
<a href="" class="uk-slidenav uk-slidenav-contrast uk-slidenav-next" data-uk-slideshow-item="next"></a>
<ul class="uk-dotnav uk-dotnav-contrast uk-flex-center uk-margin-top">
<li data-uk-slideshow-item="0">
<a href=""></a>
<li data-uk-slideshow-item="1">
<a href=""></a>
You will notice data-uk-slideshow-item, this is the dotnav for the sliders. I need this to display based on the number of slider items.
After looking at perch_item_zero_index i thought i could just add it like follows:
<ul class="uk-dotnav uk-dotnav-contrast uk-flex-center uk-margin-top">
<li data-uk-slideshow-item="<perch:content id="perch_item_zero_index" type="hidden" />">
<a href=""></a>
Is there something i am missing?
Regards Alex
HI Robert,
This seems to only display one dotnav when i have three sliders :(
That is what i have as a template in /content.
Regards Alex
Hi Robert,
Thank you very much for you help so far!
I did try your code without any luck :(
I have added that to my template but it still only show one, I'm not sure what i am doing wrong here. I am sure its something silly.
This is the current code for my slider in the portfolio_item.html template
Im just wondering how the dotnav has a relationship with the slider to show the number of slides
Can you explain the logic with your before and after sections? They seem to be placed randomly.
@Robert Then how would one add multiple slide items with a single image?
I am using Perch CMS not Runway.
@Drew, i am unsure what you mean. I have a slider using so the before and after are used to show the slides.
I thank you both for your input so far :)
I did manage to find the following post:
But again i cant seem to get this to work :(
If it works i would be VERY grateful of the help :)
It was the content custom name "Slides" that confused me, where does that relate to the slider items?
I can't thank you enough for the support you have given me, I now have the slider dotnav working. AMAZING :)
I have not explained myself clearly and I can only apologise, I am using this slider in a portfolio and the slider is showing different parts of our latest brand Identity for clients work we have completed.
I have uploaded to a test server:
You will notice I create many portfolio items with this slider but your time and effort on the code you passed over on Git is for a single item :(
Please forgive me, this advanced side of Perch is new to me and I have only spent a short time with the docs and your help :)
Kind Regards
Hi Robert,
I have already picked up a lot from your code, that has not been wasted. I am struggling to get that region into my portfolio items on each unique portfolio page.
Thank you sir!
I am really struggling here to get a simple slider into one of my portfolio items, the bottom navigation dotnav is killing me HAHA.
@Robert has been fantastic and has invested time, I managed to get the slider dotnav working but not as a repeater item for the images.
Has anyone else run into this issue?
This is a long and confusing thread. What's the current issue?
Hi Drew,
My bad I'm sorry :(
If you take a look at the following link:
You see a large slider with three slides, at bottom of the slider (The square dotnav) I would like that to update based on the number of slides I have added but there is no way to add a multi region of slides images and the dotnav update due to the limitations of the repeater region.
Please note I add many portfolio items but can't work out how to add many images and the dotnav update per item.
Would you not just use the repeater a second time to output the nav?
How does the dotnav know it belongs to the slide items when using a repeater? That is the issue we have.
I don't understand.
Drew, it was the ID that fixed this all for me, thank you :)