Images not showing in Assets popout
Images uploaded show in the Assets page (when clicking on 'Assets' in the header), but not in the Assets sidebar pop-out when directly editing content. I am not able to pick new images, only the first 32 that show up.
Is your browser window very big?
It is on a large monitor (27") but only using half the screen space. I tried resizing to see if it changed anything but nothing worked. Is the Asset pane supposed to be a scroll function that loads more images via ajax? If so that isn't working, nor can I see any pagination controls (Although I can in the Assets header-link page).
Yes, that's what happens, but there's a known issue when you have your browser sized so that the panel can't be scrolled.
I've put the browser window on my MacBook screen and it scrolls fine now, thanks.
Is this an external JS resource issue or within Perch's codebase?
Any ideas on a fix for this one?
Yes, we're going to fix it.
Thanks Drew