
Thread tagged as: Question

Perch security / penetration test

Random question - has anyone performed a penetration test on Perch, or know of the results of one?

I have a security-concious client who I would like to recommend Perch to, and I know they would look favourably on any security assurances.

Thanks, Jon

Jonathan Brain

Jonathan Brain 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I don't think second-hand penetration test results are worth much. You need to test a system as a whole.

I can't give specifics for obvious reasons, but I do know of clients who have performed penetration tests as well as world-class software companies who have performed their own security audits before choosing to deploy Perch on their servers.

Thanks Drew. Useful to know systems deploying Perch have been tested (and passed) in this way.