
Thread tagged as: Question, Addons, Blog

Blog App - Blog Post Not Displaying / Slideshow Images Problem

Hello Folks

This is my first time using Perch CMS. I am working on a website for a client locally at the minute. I have just installed the blog app, and added a new post etc. The post displays on the index page of the blog however when I click the title of the blog post I am getting an object not found error. The hyperlink is going to https://localhost/blog/post.php?s=2015-03-21-test-post however it should be going to https://localhost/iphonerepair/blog/post.php?s=2015-03-21-test-post instead. Has anyone any idea how to fix this.

Regarding the slideshow - it is a basic responsive jquery slideshow called responsive slides. I have included the code below.

<ul class="rslides rslides1"> <li><img src="img/main_img_1.png" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/main_img_2.png" alt=""></li> <li><img src="img/main_img_3.png" alt=""></li> </ul>

Is there anyway I am able to change the image src and alt description using Perch CMS?

All help is greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks Joshua

Joshua McGinn Sheridan

Joshua McGinn Sheridan 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

  1. You need to set the Blog Post path under Settings in the Perch Admin.

  2. Yes you can create Perch templates for any fields that you might want.

We have a whole bunch of video tutorials in addition to the documentation, here is one about creating Perch Templates:

That solved both problems. Thanks for your help.