
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem, Configuration

Editable regions not appearing in 'Page listings'

Hey, I've installed Perch on my site, Change the .html file to .php, uploaded my site to a web host, I've added the runtime.php line of code at the top of my html file, before the Doctype tag and kept the name of the folder in my directory to 'perch'

<?php include('/perch/runtime.php'); ?>

I then deleted the content, replaced it with the code below as instructed.

<?php perch_content('Intro'); ?>

However, when I re upload the web files via ftp, refresh the cms control panel, my editable content does not appear.

Please advise how I can solved this issue. Thank you.

sam taylor

sam taylor 0 points

  • 3 years ago
Hussein Al Hammad

Hussein Al Hammad 105 points
Registered Developer

Hello Sam,

However, when I re upload the web files via ftp, refresh the cms control panel, my editable content does not appear.

You need to visit the actual page for the region to appear in control panel.

do you mean: This is the URL for my site.

I've also added the Perch code within a <p class> tag:

<p class="abouttext"/>

            <?php perch_content('Intro'); ?>             

Hussein Al Hammad

Hussein Al Hammad 105 points
Registered Developer

If you add new regions to /about.php, you need to visit/refresh the page /about.php.

<?php perch_content('Intro'); ?> 

From the docs:

Adding the above tag to any page that has Perch included and then refreshing the page will cause a new Region to show up in the Perch Control Panel with the name “Intro”.

Hussein Al Hammad

Hussein Al Hammad 105 points
Registered Developer

You might find this video tutorial helpful: