Perch blog: images in posts not displaying
When I use the toolbar to add an image within the textarea, the output is just the path and not the image.
e.g. !/cms/resources/nice-image.jpg(nice-image)!
I'm using the latest version of Perch and the latest version of the Blog app, relying on Textile and Markitup.
Here's my template code:
<perch:blog id="postDescHTML" type="textarea" label="Post" order="3" textile="true" editor="markitup" size="xxl autowidth" required="true" />
Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
How are you uploading the image?
I hit the little image icon in the toolbar and then browse for it using the popup dialogue window.
Do the images appear in the Assets app?
Yes they are there in the Assets app.
Is other Textile formatting working in the same field?
Yes, stuff like styling links appears to be fine.
It's certainly working ok here. Can you show us your diagnostics report?
Hosting settings
I can't see any obvious problem, and I don't really have any suggestions.
Is there anything else you can tell me?
I tried installing ckeditor and I have the same problem. Images upload by won't display. So it may not be restricted to Textile.
I'm an idiot. Images were set to 0 opacity in the css after a style change elsewhere. Sorry for wasting your time Drew.
Note to self (and others) - try replicating problems of "missing" elements with the stylesheet turned off before assuming it's a back-end problem!