
Thread tagged as: CKEditor

CK editor and media or HTML 5 audio and video

Hi Drew :)

Any suggestion on how to simply modify CKEditor for embeding video / audio in the CMS? This is for my client to do it in Perch without need to use the code button.



André Loiselle

André Loiselle 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

We would suggest creating a Perch Template to do this rather than asking your client to do it using the editor. I don't know if ckeditor has any plugins to do this, you would be better to ask them as we just package the basic plugin for convenience.

However the "Perch way" to do this would be to create a template that allowed your editor to upload the various formats and poster image etc.

Thanks Rachel.

I also checked all info related to ckeditor, language packs are inside your basic plugin. Any recommendation on where and how to change the default language to French? I tried changing values in the JS files and still get a defaut english interface. Cheers!

Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

I don't know anything about that - you should be able to make any changes that ckeditor suggest however as we don't do anything specific. So I would suggest asking them.

And finally, any tips on coding an option for adding video or a file using my perch template? Under my ckeditor contents. Like a checkbox that permits to choose adding on or the other, or none? And then a browse button to upload and link (if chosen). Thanks again ;)

Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

How to create Perch templates is detailed in the documentation. For uploading a file you would need to use a file template input

We have lots of videos on creating templates, eg: