
Thread tagged as: Problem, Configuration

Content region for HTML5 video not showing up in backend

I am creating a page with 2 regions, one for a block of text, and another for a small MP4 video file. The text is fine, and I follow the instructions on this page: but the region does not show up.

Here is the region code:

<div class="education__content">
  <div class="education__content-inner">
    <div class="education__content-video">

      <video width="100%" height="100%" autoplay loop>
        <source src="<perch:content id="videomp4" type="file" file-type="video" label="MP4 Animation File" order="1" />" type="video/mp4" />
        Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos

    <div class="education__content-text">
      <p><perch:content id="education-test" type="textarea" label="Education Text" markdown="true" editor="markitup" /></p>


Are there any settings I have missed that need to be turned on to enable HTML5 features?

Locky Keaney

Locky Keaney 0 points

  • 4 years ago

You are missing the accept="" attribute on the perch tag

Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

That looks like template code not a region, a region is a PHP tag you put in your page:

`<?php perch_template('my video'); ?>

You then select your template from admin.

If that doesn't help then we need to see your Diagnostics Report, the page code and the full template.