
Thread tagged as: Question, Problem, Discussion

read more using blocks

Hi, I'm using blocks (brilliant solution Drew) for a content page, but I need a special block "read more" and to hidden the content below, I need to cut content. I saw the solution for striptags but this works for a single region.

<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12"> 
    <perch:template path="content/blocks/title.html" />

        <div class="news-body"> 

            <perch:block type="subtitle" label="Subtitle">    
                <perch:template path="content/blocks/subtitle.html" />

            <perch:block type="body" label="Body">
                <perch:template path="content/blocks/body.html" />

            <perch:block type="smallphoto" label="Small photo">   
                <perch:template path="content/blocks/smallphoto.html" />  

            <perch:block type="gallery" label="Gallery"> 
                <perch:template path="content/blocks/gallery.html" />

            <perch:block type="pagelist" label="Pages">
                <perch:template path="content/blocks/pagelist.html" />




Thanks Alex

alex s

alex s 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean.

Have you build the example just using HTML? If so post the HTML and we can explain how to turn it into a template, that is generally the best way to do things. Get it working without Perch involved, then create a template to make it editable.