custom search result + limit to search within some collections only
The site is all about images and I want users to search certain "collections" and show images associated with those result instead of text.
If I feel I need a new app that would work as below:
admin: keywords: admin can add custom list of keywords and custom results associated with them. these will be custom result that admin wants to show up if someone uses those keywords
user side (runtime): if user types one of the 'admin defined' keywords, user would see results defined by admin area + actual search result (searched within 2-3 collections)
if user types keyword NOT in admin list, system would search within 2-3 collections
if it can be accomplished without making an app, I am open to ideas
I don't think you'd need a very complex app - probably mainly a custom search handler. It would be worth a quick prototype as it could be very simple indeed.
Can you point me to some example for "custom search handler" ?
The one in Blog is a fairly good example, I think.