
Thread tagged as: Question, Addons, MailChimp

Perch MailChimp Form

Hi there,

I am using the Perch MailChimp app and am trying to include one of my templates. When I look at the debug information after using:

<?php perch_mailchimp_form('newsletter.html'); ?>

It is looking in the MailChimp app directory for this template. Should I be placing my own templates in here? It feels like this would be adding to/modifying the app core, which doesn't feel right.

Is there a way to get this function to pick up templates in the main templates folder of my site?


CDD Nation

CDD Nation 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

Add your templates to perch/templates/mailchimp as explained in the documentation:

Ah thank you, sorry I missed this.