You can specify the template used for emails in Perch - in the Forms app go to the form you want to change the email for, then go to Form Options. Here there is an Email Template select, where you can pick a template to use.
This looks in perch/templates/forms/emails to find the options, so create your template in there for it to be available to select
Hi Raul,
You can specify the template used for emails in Perch - in the Forms app go to the form you want to change the email for, then go to Form Options. Here there is an Email Template select, where you can pick a template to use.
This looks in
to find the options, so create your template in there for it to be available to selectHi Michael, I don't find that folder on perch/templates...
You will need to create it
And what kind of file should that template? perch template? should I use form ids to get them?
They are Perch templates. This should help: