
Thread tagged as: Question, Blog

Blog Meta Description on post_meta.html

Is there anyway to edit the post_meta.html template to add a meta description field in the 'Meta' section? Or rename that section to something other than Meta Data, as I'd argue 'Post type', 'Section', 'Tags' etc aren't really meta data per se.

Toby Martin

Toby Martin 1 points

  • 4 years ago
Simon Clay

Simon Clay 127 points

Hi Toby,

There isn't a way to add anything under the 'Meta Data' section.

However you can change the 'Meta Data' heading by changing the 'lang' file in perch/blog/lang. Search for

"Meta data": "Meta data", and change the 2nd instance to the wording you prefer.

Beware that this file will be overwritten when you update the blog app.

I hope that someday there will be a way to customise the lang file without it being overwritten when the app is updated.

Yeah I had considered this. The other option is a UI addon which is what I'm leaning towards.