Highlight current category in main menu
Using a standard version of Perch. I have a top menu that shows product categories. These all then related to a physical page. When I am on these pages, how can I highlight in the menu the current page. As these are categories and not pages. <perch:if exists="current_page"> won't work.
Here is some code that might help?
<a href="/<perch:category id="catPath" />" <perch:if id="catPath" match="eq" value="{perch_page_path}">class="current"</perch:if>>
<perch:category id="catTitle" type="smarttext" label="Title" required="true" />
<perch:category id="catSlug" type="slug" for="catTitle" suppress="true" />
<perch:showall />
Full pages live in /products/power/ for example or /products/lighting-display/
here is what the showall is giving;
ID Value
domain https://dengrove.loc
url https://dengrove.loc/products/lighting-display/
sitename Dengrove Marketing Limited
sharing_image /assets/img/social-sharing-default.jpg
page_title Lighting display
perch_page_path /products/lighting-display.php
current_category false
catPath products/lighting-display/
catID 3
setID 1
catParentID 0
catTitle Lighting & Display
catSlug lighting-display
catDisplayPath Lighting & Display
catOrder 3
catTreePosition 001-003
catDynamicFields {"catPath":"products\/lighting-display\/"}
perch_catPath products/lighting-display/
catDepth 1
perch_item_zero_index 2
perch_item_index 3
perch_item_rev_index 4
perch_item_rev_zero_index 3
perch_item_count 6
perch_namespace perch:category
You should be able to pass it into the template - presuming you know from the URL what the correct category should be.
and then
The problem I can't seem to get around is how to get the
When I try this;
I get the following;
So use