
Thread tagged as: Question, Suggestions, Shop

Perch Shop Request / Suggestion


Now my Perch shops are bedding in, I have had a couple of requests from the team using them:

1) Can the currency used in the transaction be shown on the Order list page, instead of just the value e.g. $35.00 rather than just 35.00? This makes it a bit clearer generally and means you can visually scan for orders in out-of-the-ordinary currencies.

2) I have a US Trade section of the site, which is running great, switching currency and using Members App for login credentials. The company actually has a US warehouse, so are asking if they can have another stock level for this, which would be used for US Trade orders. Are multiple stock locations something that could be considered in the future? I am not sure how it would be implemented, and could be a totally fringe use case, but thought I would ask!

Thanks for all your hard work!


Mike Harrison

Mike Harrison 37 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

1) Yes, I can take a look at that

2) Possible, but very very unlikely - this sounds like a very complex feature, and I'm not sure how many businesses it would apply to.

1) Great

2) Fair enough - I think I can do it myself with some jiggery pokery :S

