
Thread tagged as: Problem, Error, Blog

blog entry no longer published after changes to Meta and Social are saved

Possible bug with Runway and blog.

A published blog article stops being published when changes are made and saved using the 'Meta and Social' tab of a blog entry.

In order to stop this happening I need to switch back to the first tab and press save a second time.

In summary, Need to press save on both tabs if updating the Meta data. Not the end of the world but it is annoying and potentially causes an issue for the client as it's easy to forget to do it.

Using Runway 3.0.11 with blog 5.6.1 installed.

Diagnostic Report Perch Runway: 3.0.11, PHP: 5.4.45, MySQL: mysqlnd 5.0.10 - 20111026 - $Id: c85105d7c6f7d70d609bb4c000257868a40840ab $, with PDO Server OS: Linux, cgi-fcgi Installed apps: content (3.0.11), assets (3.0.11), categories (3.0.11), perch_blog (5.6.1), perch_forms (1.11), perch_backup (1.2) App runtimes: <?php $apps_list = array( 'content', 'categories', 'perch_forms', 'perch_blog', ); PERCH_LOGINPATH: /perch PERCH_PATH: /home//public_html/perch PERCH_CORE: /home//public_html/perch/core PERCH_RESFILEPATH: /home//public_html/perch/resources Image manipulation: GD PHP limits: Max upload 30M, Max POST 8M, Memory: 128M, Total max file upload: 8M F1: 3b606135b33e6a102526838f4152a807 Resource folder writeable: Yes DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home//public_html HTTP_HOST: www.***.com REQUEST_URI: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/ SCRIPT_NAME: /perch/core/settings/diagnostics/index.php

Graham Shedden

Graham Shedden 0 points

  • 3 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Yes, that's a known issue.