Blog authors feature request
I'm developing a new site for a client, I've given them full admin access but cannot assign them as author of existing posts as they do not appear in the list of authors.
According to, they'll show up in the drop down as potential blog author for other posts only once they've published a post first themselves - is this true?
Do I really need to wait for the client to publish a post before I can change the author of pre-populated posts? I could reset their login details and publish a post myself on their behalf but this isn't ideal and they're already editing content on the staging server. Please let me know if there's a better solution.
May I request that this be fixed or log it as a feature request? i.e. that blog authorship be assignable to new users who haven't yet logged in and posted? Many thanks.
That's right. It's on the assumption that no every user of the system is necessarily a publicly viewable blog post author. If we automatically added every user as a blog author you could end up with lots of authors you don't want.