
Thread tagged as: Problem

Help text not displaying for repeater with perch:member

I'm having trouble getting help text to display within a repeater that uses perch:member. My code is below. I've tried removing just the perch:member tags and the help text displays. I've tried removing just the repeater code and the help displays. But help text for items within a perch:member tag within a repeater doesn't display for me. Anyone come across this? I'm on Perch 3.0.

<perch:repeater id="documents" label="Documents">
    <perch:member has-tag="registered">     
            <a href="<perch:content id="file" type="file" label="File" order="2" bucket="docs" help="help text here" />">
               <perch:content type="text" id="desc" label="File title" order="1" required="true" title="true" />
        <perch:else:member />
                <a href="#register">
               <perch:content type="text" id="desc" label="File title" order="1" required="true" title="true" />
Franz Neumann

Franz Neumann 0 points

  • 4 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Is the same true in 3.0.2?

The same is true for 3.0.2.

Also, I think there's an unrelated layout bug with <perch:help>, at least for me. Any text placed within <perch:help> tags doesn't align with the fields and field labels on an editing page. Instead, it aligns left and disregards the padding/margin present for other elements on the page. Wrapping in <p> doesn't help.

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I'm not sure we've ever supported the help attribute on asset fields.

The help attribute isn't working for non-asset fields in addition to that asset field.

In the case of help attributes for assets, I find that essential. I have an asset field for uploading PDFs. My client is uploading PDFs with outrageously long text and spaces and characters which causes the upload to choke. I'd like to have a simple message to tell them to rename files first before uploading. I can certainly put that up in <perch:help> but I find it more likely they'll see the message if it's right next to the asset field.


Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

I don't think we've had help text for assets fields before, so I'm sorry you find it essential, but it's not something the software currently does.

Understood. Hope it's added.

That said, I'm still finding that help="..." isn't working for non-asset fields that are within <perch:repeater><perch:member> tags. Can that be addressed in an update, too?

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

That's working for us here, so could you give an example of where it doesn't?

I removed the duplicate "order="1" required="true" title="true"" and that fixed it.