CKEDITOR Styles for website
I just started using CKEDITOR in my test environment and it will be great for my users. I was hoping for true WYSIWYG for them, but the output on the website is different than what is seen in perch (examples: the margin between paragraphs is different and lists are showing up without numbers). Is there a way to wrap the CKEDITOR fields in a div that would have the exact same style settings as the user has when working inside perch? Is there any way to see what the style settings are that CKEDITOR uses inside perch?
CKEditor might have that capability however it would be better to ask their support. We package the editor to make it easy to install into Perch - that doesn't prevent you making customisations to it.
I think you can do that, but it would be something to ask of the CKEditor people (or to look up in their documentation).