Mailchimp and Forms Dashboard Bug
I'm getting the following error for perch_mailchimp and perch_forms apps:
: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /.../addons/apps/perch_mailchimp/dashboard.php:55 Stack trace: #0 /.../public/system/core/dashboard/modes/ {closure}(Object(PerchAuthenticatedUser)) #1 /.../system/core/dashboard/index.php(20): include('...') #2 {main} thrown in /.../addons/apps/perch_mailchimp/dashboard.php on line 55
The issue was flagged in this post, but is still in the latest version.
This bug is also present in Perch Forms.
Best, Olly
Thanks - this has been fixed, as is just waiting release.