
TWIG template Engine

Hi all,

Just curious if there is a way I could use a mixture of TWIG templates within Perch? The TWIG templates would provide a very powerful way to control the current templating.

Mike Harrison

Mike Harrison 37 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

We have our own template engine so no, you can't use TWIG with it.

TWIG is limited in comparison to Perch as our templates define the schema and control the output. If there is something you think you can do in TWIG but not in Perch we'd love to know as we may well be able to add it.

Thanks for the fast reply Rachael! I will have a think and see if there is anything specific I can think of which I would usually do in TWIG and I haven't been able to do in Perch.