perch_template() doesn't render categories
Slightly odd one this one - unless it's something I'm expecting to happen that isn't meant to happen...
Runway 3.1.1
PHP 7.2.5
MariaDB 10.2.15
Template _list_seasons.html
<perch:before><ol class="play-grid col<perch:content id="count" />"></perch:before>
<li><perch:content id="fullname" /> <perch:categories id="season" set="seasons"><perch:category id="catTitle" /> </perch:categories></li> <perch:showall>
Standard collection call:
perch_collection('Players', ['filter' => 'lastname', 'match' => 'regex', 'value' => '^'.perch_get('index').'[a-z \'-]+$', 'sort' => 'fullname', 'sort-order' => 'ASC', 'template' => 'players/_list_seasons.html']);
Works well - lists multiple players and the categories they have assigned to them.
for one item gives:
season Array
[0] => 6
[1] => 7
[2] => 8
[3] => 9
Using perch_template()
$players = perch_collection('Players', ['filter' => 'lastname', 'match' => 'regex', 'value' => '^'.perch_get('index').'[a-z \'-]+$', 'sort' => 'fullname', 'sort-order' => 'ASC', 'skip-template' => true]);
perch_template('content/players/_list_seasons.html', $players);
Lists the players as before, but I get no categories output at all.
for the same item gives:
season Array
[0] => seasons/2011-12/
[1] => seasons/2010-11/
[2] => seasons/2009-10/
[3] => seasons/2008-09/
I would expect the output to be the same either way.
I would expect it to, but I'm not totally surprised to hear that it doesn't. I'll have to take a look into it and see what it's doing.