
Thread tagged as: Suggestions, Members

Members App Increased Functionality

Would love to see the Members app allow for other members or member types to see other profiles, and allow for members to log in and update their profiles. Almost like a social media site.

Use case:

I have a project where actors and agents can sign up to a site, and then actors can apply to one or more agencies. The agents can also search across all actors based on multiple criteria.

At the moment it looks like we'll be developing it on Laravel, but like all projects, we would love to be able to do this sort of thing on Perch.

Creative Monster

Creative Monster 0 points

  • 5 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Members will manage accounts and authentication. If you wrote the the profile elements as a Perch app rather than a Laravel one, you'd have it for next time. (And there may even be a market for such a thing.)