
Thread tagged as: Question, Docs

perch_content_custom with templates that include another template

Hey guys,

just learned about perch_content_custom(); which is cool but I can't wrap my head around the following thing:

I have this region on my index.html:

<?php perch_content('Photo Series'); ?>

Which I set up to allow multiple of this template (content/photo_series.html):

<div class="images-source" style="display: none;">
  <perch:repeater id="photos" label="Photos">
    <perch:template path="content/photo_list_item.html" />

Which in turn obviously allows more than one of this template (content/photo_list_item.html):

<a href="<perch:content id="photo" type="image" width="1200" height="1200" bucket="works" label="Photo please!" />"> <img data-src="<perch:content id="photo" type="image" width="700" height="700" bucket="works" label="One of your magnificent artworks here please!" />"> </a>

All of that works just perfectly (awesome by the way!). But now I'm trying to grab one of those pictures (one picture from the ones contained in one of the many items in "photo_series.html") doing this:

<?php perch_content_custom('Photo Series', array(
      'page' => '/index.php',
      'template' => '_rand_hero_image.html',
      'sort-order' => 'RAND',
      'count' => 1

Through this custom template here:

<figure class="header-artwork" data-image-url="<perch:content id="photo" type="image" width="1200" height="1200" bucket="works" label="Photo please!" />"></figure>

That gives me an empty – which I'm sure is absolutely correct (because it works when I use any perch:content from "photo_series.html" instead of the one here which is in "photo_list_item.html".

Any ideas?

Thanks guys – you're awesome!

Nils Borgböhmer

Nils Borgböhmer 0 points

  • 6 years ago

Ah and what just came to mind was instead of going through all that trouble, can I somehow grab a random item from an asset bucket? Still telling the snippet to get me the 1200px version of that image though ...


Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Your template needs to always include the repeater tags.

like that?

<perch:repeater id="photos" label="Photos">
  <figure class="header-artwork" data-image-url="<perch:content id="photo" type="image" width="1200" height="1200" bucket="works" label="Photo please!" />"></figure>

Because that kinda works but gives me – funny enough – exactly 5 times the same filled template.

  • image that i get (five times) is always the same on reload
  • 5 probably comes from the fact that I uploaded 5 pictures each to the two collections I have
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

It should be the contents of your repeater.

Are you using content regions or collections?