
Thread tagged as: Question, Discussion, Shop

Shop Brands/Variants/Options


I'm considering to use perch a for a new project where we will need to sell products online, but I'm wondering if the perch by default can do a specific thing:

In some cases, we will have products that share similar characteristics, for instance, we would like to have 3 distinct products that have a blue dot. If for any reason, we want to change that blue dot to green, we should be able to update them all at the same time, instead of going one by one.

I'm aware of Brands/variants/options, but until now I only used options and I don't think I understood exactly what I can achieve with brands. So sorry if I'm making a obvious question :S

Thank you for your time

Gustavo Bica

Gustavo Bica 0 points

  • 3 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Brands are like manufacturers or labels. Real world examples would be Nike, Adidas and Reebok.

If you update a brand it should update everywhere its used.