
Thread tagged as: Configuration

Perch 3 and MarkItUp Customisation


Recently we upgraded to Perch 3 and want to carry over our text editor customisation.

There is an example in the documentation for Redactor on how to do this.

I'm trying to locate an example for MarkItUp. Does anyone have any idea how to implement and if there are any differences?


Dan Lee

Dan Lee 1 points

  • 4 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

You need to write your Perch.UserConfig.markitup.get() function to return the MarkItUp configuration you want to use.

Dan Lee

Dan Lee 1 points

Ok - I guess what I'm saying is it isn't clear how to write the configuration inside the function for Markdown. Is there any examples or documentation that I can follow?

We originally had the following amends in our configuration file for Markdown which we want to retain across to Perch 3:

{name:'Script type', className:'fa fa-superscript', dropMenu: [
                        {name:'Superscript', className:'fa fa-superscript', openWith:'<sup>', closeWith:'</sup>' },
                        {name:'Subscript', className:'fa fa-subscript', openWith:'<sub>', closeWith:'</sub>' }
        {name:'Text size', className:'fa fa-text-height', dropMenu: [
                        {name:'Big', className:'fa fa-text-height', openWith:'<big>', closeWith:'</big>' },
                        {name:'Small', className:'fa fa-text-height', openWith:'<small>', closeWith:'</small>' }
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Yes, that's right - you'd keep it basically the same. Just return the config object. An example would be the markdownSettings var in the default config.

Dan Lee

Dan Lee 1 points

Ok thanks - I'll take a shot at it and see where I get.

Dan Lee

Dan Lee 1 points

I'm not getting this... am I on the right track here? Full code below removes the buttons from my markdown editors.

Perch.UserConfig.markitup = function(){

  markdownSettings = {
    nameSpace: 'markdown',
    previewParserPath:  '',
    onTab: {keepDefault:false, openWith:'    '},
    onShiftEnter:       {keepDefault:false, openWith:'\n\n'},
    markupSet: [
        {name:'Heading', key:'1', className:'fa fa-header', dropMenu: [
              {name:'Heading 1', className:'fa fa-header', closeWith:function(markItUp) { return miu.markdownTitle(markItUp, '='); }, placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
              {name:'Heading 2', className:'fa fa-header', closeWith:function(markItUp) { return miu.markdownTitle(markItUp, '-'); }, placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
              {name:'Heading 3', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'### ',      placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
              {name:'Heading 4', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'#### ',     placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
              {name:'Heading 5', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'##### ',  placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
              {name:'Heading 6', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'###### ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }
        {name:'Bold', className:'fa fa-bold', key:'B', openWith:'**', closeWith:'**'},
        {name:'Italic', className:'fa fa-italic', key:'I', openWith:'_', closeWith:'_'},
        {name:'Script type', className:'fa fa-superscript', dropMenu: [
                        {name:'Superscript', className:'fa fa-superscript', openWith:'<sup>', closeWith:'</sup>' },
                        {name:'Subscript', className:'fa fa-subscript', openWith:'<sub>', closeWith:'</sub>' }
        {name:'Text size', className:'fa fa-text-height', dropMenu: [
                        {name:'Big', className:'fa fa-text-height', openWith:'<big>', closeWith:'</big>' },
                        {name:'Small', className:'fa fa-text-height', openWith:'<small>', closeWith:'</small>' }
        {name:'Quotes', className:'fa fa-quote-left', openWith:'> '},
        {name:'Bulleted List', className:'fa fa-list-ul', openWith:'- ' },
        {name:'Numeric List', className:'fa fa-list-ol', openWith:function(markItUp) {
            return markItUp.line+'. ';
        {name:'Picture', className:'image-upload fa fa-picture-o', openWith:function(markItUp){miu.ImageUpload.upload(markItUp,'markdown');}},
        {name:'File', className:'file-upload fa fa-file-o', openWith:function(markItUp){miu.ImageUpload.upload(markItUp,'markdown',true);}},
        {name:'Link', className:'fa fa-link', key:'L', openWith:'[', closeWith:']([![URL:!:https://]!] "[![Title]!]")', placeHolder:'Your text to link here...' }

  return  {
    'get': markdownSettings,

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

Not really. Try:

Perch.UserConfig.markitup = function(){

    var get = function(profile, config, field) {

        return {
            nameSpace: 'markdown',
            previewParserPath:  '',
            onTab: {keepDefault:false, openWith:'    '},
            onShiftEnter:       {keepDefault:false, openWith:'\n\n'},
            markupSet: [
                {name:'Heading', key:'1', className:'fa fa-header', dropMenu: [
                      {name:'Heading 1', className:'fa fa-header', closeWith:function(markItUp) { return miu.markdownTitle(markItUp, '='); }, placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
                      {name:'Heading 2', className:'fa fa-header', closeWith:function(markItUp) { return miu.markdownTitle(markItUp, '-'); }, placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
                      {name:'Heading 3', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'### ',      placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
                      {name:'Heading 4', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'#### ',     placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
                      {name:'Heading 5', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'##### ',  placeHolder:'Your title here...' },
                      {name:'Heading 6', className:'fa fa-header', openWith:'###### ', placeHolder:'Your title here...' }
                {name:'Bold', className:'fa fa-bold', key:'B', openWith:'**', closeWith:'**'},
                {name:'Italic', className:'fa fa-italic', key:'I', openWith:'_', closeWith:'_'},
                {name:'Script type', className:'fa fa-superscript', dropMenu: [
                                {name:'Superscript', className:'fa fa-superscript', openWith:'<sup>', closeWith:'</sup>' },
                                {name:'Subscript', className:'fa fa-subscript', openWith:'<sub>', closeWith:'</sub>' }
                {name:'Text size', className:'fa fa-text-height', dropMenu: [
                                {name:'Big', className:'fa fa-text-height', openWith:'<big>', closeWith:'</big>' },
                                {name:'Small', className:'fa fa-text-height', openWith:'<small>', closeWith:'</small>' }
                {name:'Quotes', className:'fa fa-quote-left', openWith:'> '},
                {name:'Bulleted List', className:'fa fa-list-ul', openWith:'- ' },
                {name:'Numeric List', className:'fa fa-list-ol', openWith:function(markItUp) {
                    return markItUp.line+'. ';
                {name:'Picture', className:'image-upload fa fa-picture-o', openWith:function(markItUp){miu.ImageUpload.upload(markItUp,'markdown');}},
                {name:'File', className:'file-upload fa fa-file-o', openWith:function(markItUp){miu.ImageUpload.upload(markItUp,'markdown',true);}},
                {name:'Link', className:'fa fa-link', key:'L', openWith:'[', closeWith:']([![URL:!:https://]!] "[![Title]!]")', placeHolder:'Your text to link here...' }

    var load = function(cb) {

    return  {
        'get': get,
        'load': load
