
Thread tagged as: Question, Addons, Members

Members app, member details

Hi. I am currently designing a trade customer login section using the members app as it mostly provides the functionality we need such as displaying content like trade price lists to members only, excellent. The problem I have is my customer wants quite a detailed register form with extra fields asking questions that they would need to review before granting access.

Examples of details needed - Company Name, Type of business/shop, Address and a contact Number.

Adding the extra fields is not the problem though, I need to know how to get this additional information into the perch admin section. The only way I have found is to add a form using the forms app to the page that will take and store the info but then it is going to be in a separate place which makes no sense.

Am I missing something?

William Chicken

William Chicken 1 points

  • 7 years ago
Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

No, but that functionality is planned for a future update.

Ok. regarding my two form hack for now then, is there a way to combine my submit buttons semantically so the form looks less confusing to the user... thinking as I type... We can use the 'add member' option in the members app. YES! So we use the forms app separately to get details and to apply for an account, then we utilise the 'add member' button which will send an email and password to the applicant who can then log in and create or edit his profile plus access the trade area. How's that? I think I've just solved it. Thanks for getting back!

Drew McLellan

Drew McLellan 2638 points
Perch Support

You can also submit a form to multiple apps: