
Thread tagged as: Question, Suggestions, Perch1

Add Perch Version to "My Account" License page

We have a good handful of Perch licenses and just noticed that one of them (or possibly more) is an old version 1 Perch license. We would have upgraded it had we been able to see that it was an old license in the My Account page. The only way we can see the license version is by actually logging in to all the individual Perch installs or by clicking the "download software" button and seeing which version downloads, which probably isn't the best way of going about it.

However, we may just be missing something.

James Harrison

James Harrison 0 points

  • 6 years ago
Rachel Andrew

Rachel Andrew 394 points
Perch Support

For Perch 1 we had an alert in your account since launching the new account centre, to remind people that support was ending for that product.

Perch 1 licenses start with P1, Perch 2 with P2.

Thank you! I should have looked at the license keys a bit more closely.